Film footage of the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion
This time I got something special to share! In the National Archives and Records Administration is a movie clip depicting soldiers of the 95 Infantry Division. At the moment of filming, the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion was attached to this unit and as you might have guessed, indeed, the soldiers of the 614th TD were also filmed! Finally I've managed to gain access to this clip and now I can share it with you.

A still taken from the movie, showing soldiers of the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion eating chow.
Finally found!
After a lot of research, I've managed to track down the appropriate reel and get it digitized. As far as I know, it's the only film footage showing soldiers of the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion during the Second World War. The clip shows soldiers of the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion lining a fox hole with straw, eating chow, digging a trench and guarding two reconnaissance M-20 Scout Cars. In between, there is a fragment showing soldiers of the 95th Infantry Divsion to which the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion was attached at that time. The movie was made on 30 November 1944 in France.
Watch it online!
The fragments featuring the soldiers of the 614th TD are available online.
If the clip doesn't show, you can also watch it here.